There was a time when was being read by over 80,000 people monthly. At the time, no other poetry blogger in the world could claim that big of an audience. Sadly, that's no longer the case but I'm happy that my poetry still sees far more readers than most poetry bloggers around the world.
That said, wasn't really the community of poets and poetry readers I'd long hoped it would become. While this blog is nearly 10 years old it never really matured. And without a doubt, it was my fault.
So in the hope that I might share some of my poetic successes with other poets and poetry lovers I have created
Billy's Poetry Forum where anyone and everyone can get more exposure for your poetry, poetry readings, poetry events, writings about poetry, links to your books of poetry and anything else related to poetry.
I hope this helps some of you to become more widely known as we prepare to nominate poetry bloggers (April 1- April 15) to assume the title,
Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere for 2010. And I hope it feels like home.
I pick a red pen, with felt
paint this star for you